If the Lord wills – a sermon on James 4:13-17 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. Every day across the world, people make plans. Politicians try to win our hearts and votes with their plans for the ward or the city or the state or the country. CEO’s or general managers and their boards meet to discuss […]
Facing the trial of temptation – a sermon on James 1:13-15 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. “The Devil made me do it!” That was Eve’s excuse! She may have called him the serpent, that’s really what she said…. The devil made me do it! He was the one who deceived me and I ate! Even at […]
Divine instruction for living in a world of evil – a sermon on James 1:19-21 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. When I did a speed-reading course many years ago, the instructor explained to us that people on average read at about 300 words per minute. That’s fast enough to be able to read through a normal […]
Tame that tongue! – a sermon on James 3:1-12 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. About 15 years ago, large parts of Victoria were ravaged by intense bushfires. In Australia’s all-time worst bushfire disaster, 173 people died and more than 400 were injured. In Kinglake, which was the most severely affected area, the fire was started by […]
Friends or Enemies of God? – a sermon on James 4:4-6 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. As of a few weeks ago, we have a new government. No, don’t worry, I’m not going to preach politics or talk about the good or not-so good of the various political parties! But those of us who have the […]
Looking for wisdom – a sermon on James 1:5-8 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. If you start reading through the book of James you realise very quickly that it’s an extremely practical book. It’s a book that gives us as Christians real-world guidance in how to live our everyday lives. It’s very much a book of […]
Warning against worldliness – a sermon on James 4:1-12 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. When persecution of Christians started with the death of Stephen, many believers fled to the same cities to where Jews had been scattered some 600-700 years earlier. But these believers soon found themselves face to face with adversity and trials of every kind, […]
Faith that works – a sermon on James 2:14-26 by Rev Colin Pretorius. I don’t know if you know the name Philippe Petit, otherwise known as the “the man who walked between the Towers.” In 1974, while the Twin Tower buildings in New York were still being constructed, he walked on a steel cable strung […]
Faith and Works – A sermon on James 2:14-26 by Rev. Ralph Adams.
God is Good! – a sermon on James 1:16-18 by Rev Colin Pretorius In the church-based TV show “Greenleaf” the characters greet each other with “God is good” and the response is “All the time”. Despite the fact that almost all of the people in this show are so “plastic”, so superficial, this customary greeting […]
Only those who submit to God will be lifted up – a sermon on James 4:7-10 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. The theme of our verses in James is submission to God, or humility before God. When you read through the book of James, you cannot help but to be struck by its intensely practical nature. […]
Seek ye first the kingdom of God – a sermon on James 4:1-3 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. This passage has different titles in our various English translations: submit yourself to God, drawing close to God, warning against worldliness, friendship with the world, or things to avoid.[1] The first 12 verses comprise all of those things […]
Living out our faith in the crucible of life – a sermon on James 1 by Rev. Colin Pretorius. So far 2020 has been a year of challenges, hasn’t it! Some said that this year we just had three months – January, February and Covid. And that third month has been one drawn out challenge […]